Heritage Institute of Sustainability Partners with Air Oasis to Enhance Air Quality

You may wonder what technology did NASA use to ensure the air quality in the space ships stayed clean and fresh so the astronauts stayed healthy? Wonder no longer, it is the advanced AHPCO Nano technology. In colaboration with GPI solutions, Heritage IOS is bringing this technology to schools, hospitals, and businesses. Lab tests conducted by West Texas A&M University prove that Air Oasis technology is effective in reducing:
MRSA on surfaces, up to 63% in 24 hours
Odor causing VOC's up to 85% in one hour
Mold and fungi up to 99%
Bacteria up to 99%
Viruses up to 99%
Offensive Odors
Let us retrofit your workplace to enhance attendance, and health of your employees. Give the gift of clean air to your employees. Have a safe, and healthy holiday!!